الثلاثاء، 26 يناير 2016

Green Tea actually helped me lose weight

I'm officially addicted to green tea
from the first day that i started drinking it i noticed a difference in my digestion since i have a big problem with it
and also noticed a difference in my energy level it became ten times better
and a balance in my weight
and a very clear and moist skin
and the best part is it's caffeine free but still gives you an energy boost
i have so much to say about it but this is the " long story short " of it 

الأحد، 24 يناير 2016

What s it like to have no life

My story is kinda complicated
let's start with the part that i can't go to college
since i didn't pass my Kurdish exam ( Kurdish is the native language of Kurdistan ) i have to stay at home for one year and wait for the next exam
and wait another 6 months for the school year to start that's about 18 months
it might sounds good to you
to have nothing to do and no school to go to and no home work to do ... but trust me it's not
it's actually terrifying !
now let's go to the part that i have no job !
due to the financial crisis that my country is going through you can't find any decent job
and as girl that lives in a preservative community it's so hard to fine the right job that every single member of your family have to approve it
sounds crazy i know but that's the fact
and now because that i don't have school or a job i have no friends too
i got like couple of them but every one is busy with there own life
so this is what is like to have no life
deep depression , have lazy body , constant headaches and a very bad temper 

السبت، 23 يناير 2016

After shave palm as a primer

As a woman with huge pores i'm struggling with hiding them
tried so many primers, concealers and foundations but nothing seems to work
and not to mention the oily some times very dry skin i have no idea whats going on !
one day i was watching Nikkie Tutorials and she started talking about the Nivea Men after shave balm and i saw what i did to her skin and i absolutely loved it
and the next thing i did is i went to the super market bought it got home and tried it
and WOW WOW WOW it's amazing
never had such a fare skin and almost no pores and it did some much protection for my skin
honest advise ? try it and you won't regret it 

How to stop smoking

I'm going to talk about my fathers personal experience
my father started to smoke at the age of 18
and he have been smoking ever since , he tried to stop so many times but he couldn't
till 4 months ago when he got really sick so he decided to quit !
but in order to quit an addiction you need to start another
and that's exactly what he did
he actually started an addiction to sunflower seeds and gums !
and it really worked
yes! my father is 5 months smoking free man !
try it it might work ...

الجمعة، 22 يناير 2016

Makeup freak

I am a makeup freak
can't help it
even when i'm broke i have to buy something related to beauty
my family says that i'm to obsessed with it
but hey i'm still pretty good at contouring , highlighting , eyeliner and blending eye shadows
i love it it's my passion
i wish that i can be a M.U.A. but the society would never take me seriously
and my family would never accept such a thing
so what i'm doing now is keeping my passion to my self and some times for friends and family

الخميس، 21 يناير 2016

Hungry all the time!

That's right !
I am hungry all the time and don't know what to do
form one side i want to keep my body in shape
and from another side i want to feel full !
so what's the solution ?!
nothing ! Yes that's right nothing
let me tell you what i did
-eat normally : that made me gain weight because i have a very slow metabolism and that makes fat build up
- not eating : that made more fat build up . in this situation your body will be afraid that there is not enough food around you so it starts to store fat in case of "food crisis "bad idea !
- eat normally and go to the gym : that one actually worked ! but don't you think that you can eat anything you want ! nope you can't
stay AWAY from junk food , fast food or anything for that matter
this is what i did and it helped me lose 10 kilos that's about 20 pounds in 3 months !
so get work people because setting around wondering when will you lose all this weight is NOT going to help you lose it !

الثلاثاء، 19 يناير 2016

sleep where are you?

having trouble sleeping ?
me too ...
i've been having this problem since for ever
and i tried every thing to help me sleep except medication ... i will never go there !!!
i tried a cup of milk ! no doesn't work
tried the breathing method ! nope that one doesn't work too
so what i did is except the fact that i could never have a good night sleep or even have enough
so if you having the same problem leave a comment and tell me what you do to help
you sleep .