الخميس، 21 يناير 2016

Hungry all the time!

That's right !
I am hungry all the time and don't know what to do
form one side i want to keep my body in shape
and from another side i want to feel full !
so what's the solution ?!
nothing ! Yes that's right nothing
let me tell you what i did
-eat normally : that made me gain weight because i have a very slow metabolism and that makes fat build up
- not eating : that made more fat build up . in this situation your body will be afraid that there is not enough food around you so it starts to store fat in case of "food crisis "bad idea !
- eat normally and go to the gym : that one actually worked ! but don't you think that you can eat anything you want ! nope you can't
stay AWAY from junk food , fast food or anything for that matter
this is what i did and it helped me lose 10 kilos that's about 20 pounds in 3 months !
so get work people because setting around wondering when will you lose all this weight is NOT going to help you lose it !

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