الأحد، 24 يناير 2016

What s it like to have no life

My story is kinda complicated
let's start with the part that i can't go to college
since i didn't pass my Kurdish exam ( Kurdish is the native language of Kurdistan ) i have to stay at home for one year and wait for the next exam
and wait another 6 months for the school year to start that's about 18 months
it might sounds good to you
to have nothing to do and no school to go to and no home work to do ... but trust me it's not
it's actually terrifying !
now let's go to the part that i have no job !
due to the financial crisis that my country is going through you can't find any decent job
and as girl that lives in a preservative community it's so hard to fine the right job that every single member of your family have to approve it
sounds crazy i know but that's the fact
and now because that i don't have school or a job i have no friends too
i got like couple of them but every one is busy with there own life
so this is what is like to have no life
deep depression , have lazy body , constant headaches and a very bad temper 

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